You can grow tomatoes upside down in a bucket and plant herbs on top! I read recently about a gardener using this method to grow Salsa: this tomato grower has tomatoes growing down from two buckets, Jalapenos in another two, and growing from the top of these buckets is Cilantro.

Grow the plant right side up until it reaches 10 inches above the bucket and then it is ready for hanging. It is important to have a secure fixture for hanging the bucket and to hang it at a sufficient height to accommodate plant growth, generally at least six feet high. Growing tomatoes upside down not only allows them to air ripen, but it reduces rot, and there are far fewer problems with soil borne garden pests. The garden is fairly easy to assemble, but be sure that you put it where you will want it as it gets heavy when loaded with soil (it will hold almost 80 lbs of soil), and also make sure you pick a level spot to put it in, so that it remains stable.

Growing tomatoes means investing in something ? a cage or stakes ? to keep those heavy vines supported enough so the plant doesn?t cave in on itself. Another challenge is to keep the tomatoes off the ground where the slugs can get them, as well as various soil-borne diseases. Growing tomatoes upside down can be a great alternative. Yes, you read that right. Grow tomatoes upside down on your patio or deck and keep plants away from bugs and at eye-level. Just plant, water and watch them grow.

Plant the tomato through the hole in the bucket?s bottom, and water thoroughly. Let the plant?s roots get established before you turn the bucket upside down and hang it – this takes about a week. Plant/bury at least 30% of the stock it will make a stronger stock. If you have the area/place go to the store and buy the tall iron sheperd’s hooks the double one so you can grow them in the sun. Plants are held up by the special collar on the bottom.

Seems like a great idea if space is limited.

Cut four lengths of cord and tie one end of each piece to each of the four holes. Cut a 3? hole in the lid of the bucket. Where the hole is going to be, put another coffee filter above the soil. Cut a big enough hole on the bottom so you can put the root ball in from the bottom up. You can use the lid to cut out a donut shape circle with a small center hole and bigger in diameter than the hole on the bottom and put a slice on one side of it so you could wrap it around the stem, thus holding it in place.

Cut through your fabric a few inches, or enough to feed your tomato plant?s root ball through. Cut a two inch hole in the center of the bottom of the bucket. Put the roots through the bottom of the bucket so the leaves are coming out of the bottom.

Grow tomatoes upside down on a patio or deck and keep them away from soil-borne pests and bugs. If you hang your tomato bucket close to the kitchen you’ll be able to grab fresh ripe tomatoes for a salad when you are ready to make it.