Planning the layout of a herb garden is not complicated and does not require a great deal of work. Take an honest look at the resources you already have available for your herb garden layout. If, for example, you already have a greenhouse, you have a great place for seedlings or herbs that require a warmer climate in order to grow. If you don?t have a greenhouse a large garden plot, away from car exhaust and with plenty of sunshine will be suitable. Without access to a garden try a simple steel rack and flowerpots in your kitchen or balcony as your portable herb garden. Your herbs can also be spread amongst other plants in your garden.

Which Herbs To Grow?

Assess which herbs you use most in your cooking and start from there. Now, if you want to grow mint, you must keep in mind that mint demands a lot of space and will choke any other herbs or flowers growing nearby so it needs to be in a controlled space of its own. However, herbs like parsley don?t mind a little company.

As you can now see you just can?t plant herbs willy-nilly into the ground. You have to actually do some homework regarding the type of soil your herbs prefer, how far apart your seedlings should be planted from other herbs, how much sunlight they need, and the best growing season for the particular herbs.

Why not begin with a few hardy herbs such as parsley, thyme, chives and sage until you get the hang of it. You may find that your herb garden layout will vary from season to season as your experience grows and your need for additional herbs to enrich your cooking increases. You will soon start to reap your harvest of fresh herbs and your life will be richer for it.